Just Another Cluster #3

Well, well, if it isn't that time of the week again, where I post interesting links / articles / tools and then comment upon them.
If you haven't read the first ones, I suggest you do.
This is issue number #3.
As always, if you find any interesting tools or articles that I might have missed, let me know in the comments below and I'll share them in the next weekly cluster.
So, here are last week's interesting links!
Hacker Scripts
There are lazy people but then there's this guy. It kinda' freaks me out to be honest. I won't share too many details about this link, just click it and see for yourself. -
Learning Regular Expressions: The Practical Way
Hugo Giraudel explains, with practical examples, regex. His explanations are on point and you could actually learn something from this guide. -
Being a Full Stack Developer
What does a being a full stack developer mean in today's industry. Well it turns out you have to know a lot of things. Back in the old days, knowing PHP, SQL and HTML / CSS would have been enough, but that's not the case today. Do you consider yourself a full stack developer? -
Do We Actually Need Specificity In CSS?
Philip Walton tries to answer the question: "If we lived in a world where specificity was never added to the cascade, would things be better or worse?". -
jQuery tips everyone should know
In the era of Angular, Ember and React who the hell uses jQuery anymore? A lot of people. If you have a project that requires some jQuery then check this out for a quick refresh of tips. -
cloc - count lines of code
As the name already suggests, this tool will help you count lines of code from files and entire folders for a wide spectrum of languages. -
Scaffolding kd.js with Yeoman
Koding's very own Gökmen Göksel was bored one weekend and decided to create a yeoman generator for kd.js and it’s super fancy. A little bit of background on this. At Koding we’re using our own framework to build Koding. It’s called kd.js. -
Hugo - A fast and modern static website generator
Hugo is a really cool, fast static site generator built using Go. The creators describe it as a general-purpose website framework. -
Bored of your Spotify playlists? Here's a series of mixes intended for listening while programming to aid concentration and increase productivity (also compatible with other activities). -
So how does the browser actually render a website
Ryan Seddon explains, in this great talk, at JSConfEU 2015, how the browser actually renders your websites. Really interesting talk, you should check it out ... since ... you know ... you're developing stuff for the browser.
Until next time, code long and prosper!
Image credit: Guillaume Kurkdjian
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